Monday, December 11, 2006

Mejias Watch Hack is a Hypocrite

The cowardly republican says in diffenent posts..

"Now if Mr. Rennhack would like to change his smear tactics by endorsing the attacks on Congressman King's family over the past few months by both Newsday and Dave Mejias and openly condemns (publicly that is) these horrible methods that undermine our nation's democracy, I will be glad to release my identity."

"His buddy Mr. Rennhack continued to attack the Congressman and his family and will probably continue to do so since he can't attack on any substantitive matter."

"Mejias and Newsday attacked Rep. King's family,"

Mejias Drops to a news Low
"While we all know that Dave Mejias is floundering in his bid to unseat Rep. King, he has sunken to an all-new low this week by engaging in a series of personal attacks not on Rep. King, but rather on King's son. This is deplurable and it shows what a weak and desperate candidate Mejias really is. He knows he cannot win on substance so he must go for the eleventh-hour sneak attack which is unwarranted and purely pathetic."
"I find these attacks to abhorrent and disgraceful. If Mejias cannot win based on substance, then he should drop out of the race now. He has just continued to show the electorate his true colors. I find it interesting that as he engaged in these outlandish attacks, his campaign manager, when asked about immigration and its role in the election this year, stated, There are other issues that are much more important to people in this district." That just goes to show you that Mejias and his campaign are completely out of touch with the 3rd Congressional district.I urge on everyone, including KingWatch, to denounce these personal attacks and get back on the topic of the real issues facing Americans this Nov. 7."

Now lets look at the VERY FIRST POST by Kings little shill. (Mike is that you checking in from Fordam?)
"But let's look right now and something he told Newsday in their article on the race that appeared on October 23rd.
"Mejias is single, and declined to say if he had been married. " Now why would someone decline to say if they had been married before? Why is Dave Mejias trying to hide the fact that he was married and unfortunately due to some circumstances he was divorced? In the 21st century, it's not uncommon to be divorced, in fact a recent study showed that married couples were in the minority in America. I am not saying that it is wrong for him to have been married and subsequently divorced, what I am saying is that he shouldn't try and hide the fact. By hiding the fact, he is showing his true colors. If he can't tell you the truth about his personal life, what makes you think he'll tell you the truth if he's elected to Congress?"

Right out of the gates, it is gets personal.
Can you say hypocrite?


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